OKRS: Hope is not a Strategy

Hope is not a strategy. Luck is not a factor. Fear is not an option.

James Cameron

OKRs may reflect the hopes and dreams of an organization, yet if those dreams and hopes are not underpinned by sound strategy and execution capacity, they are likely to remain as dreams. Having hope can be a very good feeling, but that does not necessarily translate to any positive results.

Napoleon famously said: ‘Leaders are dealers in hope,’ but if hope is not underpinned by strategy, a strong knowledge, and skills base, it could be meaningless.

One of the key roles that the OKR Institute plays is to gather best practices from across the globe and to share what works and what does not – In our experience, drafting OKRs as wish lists and hopes and dreams is not adequate; instead, we should include in an OKR framework only that which is either within our control or at least within our sphere of influence.

In a state of panic, some abandon reason and implement OKRs while ignoring their limited capacity and several other complexities the organization faces. Hoping that OKRs will solve most or all of their problems, some organizations do not think more carefully and immediately start with implementations.

What can we do then to ensure that we not only hope for success but also underpin our dreams with practical and effective measures that send us in the right direction?

Create consistency in drafting OKRs

This is another reminder that hope is not a strategy; it can be a potentially disastrous approach to go ahead and tell teams to draft their OKRs within the context of having minimal OKR experience or training – Most teams are then very likely to draw output-focused OKRs (basically task lists), which then would defeat the purpose of introducing OKRs. Worse than that, some teams might draft OKRs that are easy to attain and avoid risk, while other teams might prepare far-reaching goals –

These indescrepencies can then create chaos and conflicts when these teams try to work together. Consistency in drafting OKRs can be created by:

  1. Ensuring a through OKR education
  2. Collectively deciding upfront what our approach to drafting OKRs will be .
  3. Consistency and excellence in drafting workshop facilitation.

OKR Frameworks are not ‘Silver Bullets’

OKRs cannot magically resolve all your problems. If you as a company have endured a long history of poor performance and are struggling in terms of resources, you should not consider deploying OKRs immediately; instead, it is best to first pursue a series of small wins and create forward momentum before introducing OKRs.

We should be mindful of how we shape the organizational culture as we deploy OKRs and ensure our OKRs align with our culture. OKRs cannot replace ‘pillars of success’ such as a values-based culture and inspirational and effective Leadership – OKRs are best deployed within the context of transformational and servant leadership.

Some of the keys to succesful transformations are:

  1. Creating a compelling and inspirational change Vision
  2. Obtaining stakeholder buy-in
  3. Breaking down resistance to change

These three elements of change Leadership are highly relevant to OKRs. In the lack of a compelling and transparent vision, in the absence of buy-in, and within solid resistance, OKRs are unlikely to thrive. Therefore, it is an excellent opportunity to put effort into creating or clarifying a compelling vision, obtaining buy-in, and breaking down resistance to change as preparation for a successful OKR roll-out.

Another opportunity that an OKR implementation presents is to co-create effective strategies and align OKRs.


Hope is not a strategy. OKRs can be a very effective in helping you actualize the company vision. There are, however, several factors to consider when implementing OKRs. Simply hoping that an OKR implementation will be successful is wishful thinking. Instead, we can focus on the critical success factors of an OKR implementation. Hope is, therefore, not a Strategy.

Focusing on a strategic OKR roll-out plan, providing a thorough OKR education, and capturing all learnings gained during our deployment of OKRs are examples of things you can do to ensure that your OKR success is not purely based on hope.

Sure, here are some SEO-friendly FAQs for the blog content titled “OKRs: Hope is not a Strategy”:

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What are OKRs and why are they important for organizations?

Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) are a goal-setting framework that helps organizations define and track their objectives and their outcomes. They are important because they provide a clear and measurable path to achieving goals, ensuring that every team and individual is aligned with the company’s strategic vision. By focusing on specific objectives and measurable key results, organizations can ensure that their efforts are directed towards meaningful and impactful outcomes.

Why is hope not a sufficient strategy for implementing OKRs?

Hope, while motivating, does not provide the actionable steps needed to achieve objectives. Successful OKR implementation requires a solid strategy, thorough knowledge, and practical execution capacity. Without these, OKRs remain as mere wishful thinking. It’s essential to have a structured approach, proper training, and a realistic understanding of the organization’s capabilities to ensure OKRs drive real progress and results.

How can organizations create consistency in drafting OKRs?

Consistency in drafting OKRs can be achieved through:

  1. Ensuring thorough OKR education for all team members.
  2. Deciding collectively on the approach to drafting OKRs.
  3. Facilitating consistent and excellent OKR drafting workshops. These steps help in aligning the objectives across teams, avoiding task lists, and setting challenging yet attainable goals, thus fostering a unified direction towards organizational success.

Can OKRs solve all organizational problems?

No, OKRs are not a cure-all solution. They are a powerful tool for goal setting and performance tracking, but they cannot resolve fundamental issues like poor organizational culture, lack of leadership, or resource deficiencies. Before implementing OKRs, it’s crucial to address these foundational issues, pursue small wins, and build momentum. OKRs should complement existing pillars of success like values-based culture and effective leadership.

What are some critical success factors for effective OKR implementation?

Effective OKR implementation hinges on several critical success factors, including:

  1. Creating a compelling and inspirational change vision.
  2. Obtaining stakeholder buy-in to ensure everyone is committed to the OKR process.
  3. Breaking down resistance to change through transparent communication and inclusive practices. By focusing on these elements, organizations can foster an environment where OKRs are embraced and effectively drive positive outcomes.

Talent Development Director of the OKR Institute