The OKR Institute\’s collaboration with Telkom Indonesia, a leading telecommunications company, focused on embedding the Objective and Key Results (OKRs) framework sustainably within the organization. This initiative aimed to streamline strategic alignment, enhance execution efficiency, and cultivate a culture of continuous improvement and agility.

Telkom Indonesia encountered several obstacles in implementing OKRs:

  • Complexity and Scale: Given its position as a telecommunications giant, the company faced challenges related to the complexity and scale of implementing OKRs across diverse units and functions.
  • Cultural Shifts: Transitioning to a culture that embraced OKRs required significant shifts in mindset, practices, and behaviors across the organization.
  • Sustainability and Integration: Ensuring the long-term sustainability of OKR practices and their integration into existing corporate processes and culture was a critical challenge.

In response, the OKR Institute devised a strategic plan comprising:

  • Tailored OKR Framework Development: Designed a customized OKR framework to fit the unique operational context of Telkom Indonesia, ensuring it was scalable and adaptable across different divisions.
  • Comprehensive Training Programs: Implemented extensive training and coaching sessions for teams and leaders to foster a deep understanding of OKRs, ensuring widespread buy-in and commitment.
  • Cultural and Process Integration Strategies: Focused on integrating OKR practices into Telkom Indonesia\’s existing workflows and cultural norms, emphasizing continuous learning, feedback, and adjustment to facilitate long-term adoption.

The introduction of OKRs at Telkom Indonesia led to significant organizational advancements:

  • Enhanced Strategic Alignment: Achieved a higher alignment between strategic goals and daily operations, streamlining efforts towards common objectives and improving overall execution.
  • Improved Engagement and Accountability: The organization witnessed increased engagement and accountability among employees and teams, driven by clearer goals, measurable outcomes, and a shared purpose.
  • Sustainable OKR Adoption: Telkom Indonesia successfully incorporated OKRs into its organizational fabric, establishing a sustainable practice that continues to drive clarity, performance, and continuous improvement.