OKR Certification, Coaching and Training

与我们的敏捷和 OKR 社区建立联系😊

由敏捷、绩效和 OKR 专家和爱好者组成的全球社区。我们相信社区联系的力量可以推动您的成长。我们共享资源和知识,互相帮助,扩大影响。免费加入,解锁一流资源和专家联系。


我们创建了 OKRI Heartbeat 社区,将敏捷、志同道合的人们聚集在一起。我们是创新者,热衷于使用敏捷业务和 OKR 实践来实现大胆的目标,创造更美好的未来。



Our monthly OKRI Heartbeat Events will cover relevant Agile and OKR topics in an interactive and practical manner. Each event will consist of a powerful 30-minute presentation, followed by a 10-minute Q&A session.


Our OKRI panel of experts will provide the context and case studies, supporting you in applying the learning from the content.

Templates & AI Toolbox

Practical and useful templates and AI powered tools are provided.

OKR 脉冲

OKRI Heartbeat 新闻:让您能够及时了解 OKR 领域的最新动态。

OKR 掌握

With OKRI Heartbeat, you are empowered to learn and apply the top global OKR practices. As the leading global OKR Certification and Coaching Institute, we are privileged to operate in multiple industries across the world, and we and our members will share these valuable learnings with you.

加入我们全球 30,000 多名参与者

成为认证的 OKR 专家