How OKRs and other Methodologies are complimentary to each other

It should never be a question of whether OKRs compete with other methodologies or management systems; instead, we can spend energy on discovering how methodologies, management systems, and principles complement each other.

When we collectively align our behaviors, systems and methodologies to our strategy and Vision all these elements can become powerful tools that helps us to be more sustainable and successful.

An essential management skill is to find the ways in which methodologies, systems and tools complement each other


Toyota made lean management globally known. They created a values-based culture and took the principles of ‘respect for people’ and ‘Kaizen (continuous improvement) extremely seriously. By acting according to these values they are in a relentless pursuit of adding value to their customers

Lean management is about increasing the value to our customers/users/clients while removing waste. Waste not only refers to a waste of money but also to a waste of time and effort. Lean management also has a strong focus on continuous improvement.

When we are genuinely outcome-focused in both drafting and pursuing OKRs, we add value to all our stakeholders. By narrowing our focus on the company’s top priorities and measuring what genuinely matters, we are removing waste from how we do business. As we learn from our mistakes and failures and apply what we know, we continuously improve through the use of OKRs.


History sings the praises of leaders who lead their people to a desired future state. Essentially that is the core function of transformational leadership – To actualize the vision and strategy of the company.

The modern leader has to add the ability to identify useful change initiatives to his or her skillset in order to be an effective leader. Effective leadership can be defined as – Doing the right things in the right way, so that it produces the right results. We as leaders cannot do the same things over and over and expect improved results. We need to transform wherever applicable and useful to ensure the future of our company and its stakeholders.

Transformational or change leadership is mostly about:

1️⃣ Creating valuable assets for the company that was not in existence before
2️⃣ Co-creation of the desired future state of the company
3️⃣ Empowering more Leaders and creating a positive impact

All of the above rings true when OKRs are deployed effectively – We pursue far-reaching goals and co-create more value for all stakeholders. Through this very transparent process, it is revealed to us who the true leaders are or who sincerely want to become leaders.

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Directora de Desarrollo de Talento del Instituto OKR