Welcome to OKR Foundation Course To sign up for this Free Course and to receive your Certificate, please go to: https://okrinstitute.org/courses/okr-foundation. In this course, we will learn the basic OKR and how to implement OKR in your team and organization. By the end of the course, you will know what OKR is and how to implement them. Once you finished this course, you’ll get a certificate for this OKR Foundation Course. Let’s get started! Get your OKR Foundation Certificate: https://okrinstitute.org/courses/okr-foundation The OKR Institute provides the following certification programs: OKR Practitioner (for internal OKR Champions) https://okrinstitute.org/courses/okr-practitioner-course OKR Professional (for OKR Leaders) https://okrinstitute.org/courses/certified-okr-professional Customized OKR Implementation workshops https://okrinstitute.org/okr-implementation