OKR Foundation Course – Set your first objective

– Let’s get started setting your first Objective. – Before that, please ensure you have your pen, paper, or word document ready. – Today you will write your first Objective and re-write it until it works for you. – Your mission usually inspires Objectives. – Objectives are the most important goal you must achieve for that mission to succeed. – You will refer to these Objectives as your team’s “North Star.” – To write your Objective, you need to identify your “North Star”. – Identify your “North Star” and write it down. – Once you have your “North Star”, you can write your 3 possible Objectives. – Next, you need to check those 3 Objectives against the statement below to ensure the best possible Objectives for you. – Let’s Begin! Get your OKR Foundation Certification: https://okrinstitute.org/courses/okr-foundation