– Besides the regular check-in, there are other few OKR processes you need to do during your OKR Cycle. – It is called OKR Cadance. – In this topic, we will learn about OKR Cadance – OKR cadence is like your pulse or rhythm – It determines the iterative process to evaluate your Objective and Key Results during an OKR cycle. – Setting an OKR cadence makes your team run smoothly and closer to your mission. – The OKR cadence should consist of – Strategic Evaluation that happened annually – Tactical Evaluation and OKR Evaluation that happened quarterly – OKR monthly review – Regular check-in every weekly or bi-weekly – Maintaining a single OKR Cadence throughout the whole organization is easier so everyone in the organization is in the same rhythm. Get your OKR Foundation Certification: https://okrinstitute.org/courses/okr-foundation